Red and near-infrared light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and more specifically, part of the spectrum of light emitted by the sun. These wavelengths of light are “bioactive” in humans.

Near-infrared (NIR) and red light therapy devices have been FDA-approved for several purposes so far, including hair-loss reversal, anti-aging, acne, wound healing, pain relief, fat loss, and more! This is worth noting because it proves the abundance of research demonstrating benefits – the therapy has to be proven safe and effective in numerous trials in order to gain FDA approval.

the proven benefits of red and near infrared light therapy include:

  • Promotes wound healing and tissue repair

  • Supports collagen production / anti-aging

  • Reduces swelling and inflammation (pain)

  • Improves joint health

  • Promote Cellular health

  • Improves SKIN health

  • Improves physical performance, muscle recovery and energy levels

  • Increases melatonin / improves sleep

  • Improves Circulation

PriciNG (10 min. sessionS):

  • Single Session - $25

  • 3 pack - $65

  • 6 pack - $140

  • 10 pack - $240

  • Add on to another service - $15

We recommend that you purchase packs because you typically feel the true effect after multiple sessions.